American Hydroformers Explains How Internal High Pressure Hydroforming Works
American Hydroformers is on the cutting edge of production technology. We offer many services, including metal fabrication solutions through the use of hydroforming, laser cutting, and several other forming techniques.
But perhaps the technique that garners the most interest is how our internal high pressure hydroforming press system works, and why it is so widely sought after.
Hydroforming (or internal high pressure forming) is a forming process by which an active solution (often a water and oil emulsion) forces a hollow part into a desired shape by applying a variable amount internal pressure that depends largely upon the density of the material (click here to watch a clip). And at its peak, the pressure can reach several thousand bars.
The advantages of this technique are many (especially compared to deep draw hydroforming), but most apparent are:
– Large design ratio
– Reduction of overall parts
– Lowered amount of weld-spots or connections
– Reduction of material weight
– Higher ductile and mechanical strength
– More durable
– Increased forming accuracy
Because of these positives, high pressure hydroforming has becoming a superior technique in many industrial sectors (most notably, automobile manufacturers). But has branched out to many others, including plumbing and heating, household appliances, furniture, bicycle frame manufacturing, machines and equipment, and even aerospace and aviation.
However, hydroforming stands out the most in the automobile industry, because of widely used parts for the chassis, motor, crossbeams, side beams, and roof frames, throughout the industry.
Additionally, hydroforming gives automakers the freedom of design, so that they can make lighter and faster cars that appeal to a broader group of people, while remaining relatively inexpensive in terms of production.
For more information on how we can help you, please contact us any time.
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