Satellite Antennas Made Possible Through Hydroforming
If you drive through a subdivision, you will see a satellite antenna on almost every house. Businesses might have the same antennas, or sometimes even larger ones. These are made possible through sheet hydroforming.
At one time spinning was used to create these antennas. But sheet hydroforming has proven to be a more effective and cost-efficient method of producing these uniform shapes. Sheet hydroforming is more effective due to a process that produces products that are tested and are uniform in shape, size, and strength. Sheet hydroforming is cost-efficient since they are mass-produced.
First, a die is created that will yield the desired satellite antenna shape. It is important to have this shape deep enough to capture the signals and feed them into the antenna receptacle. It is also important to have this shape shallow enough to capture as many signals as possible.
Once the die is created, a sheet of metal is put into the die and high pressurized liquid is used to force the metal into the satellite antenna shape. The liquid can be hot or cold, and high or low pressure. Those factors are determined based on the type of metal and the desired strength and thickness of the final satellite antenna.
After several antennas are produced, tests are performed to ensure the antenna can withstand strong winds and many other factors.
Once it is determined the perfect satellite antenna has been produced, sheet hydroforming can produce many satellite antennas. What is great about this process is any business can determine the type of satellite they want produced and have several antennas produced for their business locations or to sell.
If you are interested in having satellite antennas produced or more interested in the sheet hydroforming process, pleaseĀ contact us and we would love to talk with you.
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