Can Tube Hydroforming Really Add Something To Your Industry?

There has been a significant growth in hydroforming, as workers in the automotive industry are taking steps back to examine all of their options. The stepping back process involves examining all of the available options in an effort to find an affordable and efficient process. Tube hydroforming can produce much stronger components than the traditional methods. Tube hydroforming has been around for a significant number of years, but the usage has been mainly for simple shapes.
Tube hydroforming involves expanding the metal tubes into a certain shape. The shape is formed by using two die halves. When the parts are created using this kind of method, parts are more efficient because you the welding process will be eliminated. Parts that are created with this method will have a significant number of benefits, such as:
- Part reduction
- Weight reduction
- Flexibility in the design/engineering
- Seamless bonding
- Increase in the strength of the parts
- The ability to have better quality surfaces
- Bending rigidity
- Overall quality in the parts/Class A finishing
Most of the attention that is brought up during hydroforming is the focus on strength and weight, as well as the reduction of parts being used. In many cases, hydroforming can be the only method used to create a special geometry. It is expected for tubes support to load strongly and smoothly than the stamp sheets. Designers and engineers are figuring out when to apply tube hydroforming. As a result, new ideas and capabilities are being put together. Hydroforming will continue to be used to create more parts as the improvement of design options continues.
The high-profile applications have been used in the automotive industry because the benefits from tube hydroforming are highly value to vehicles. However, tube hydroforming can be used in any kind of industry for a number of different structural applications. When you change from your previous method to tube hydroforming, you will get great benefits that will be worth the switch.
Determining when to use tube hydroforming will not be easy, but at the right time your company can improve its performance and remain in the competitive automotive industry race.
For more on tube hydroforming, contact us.
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