Hydroforming Aluminum helps Automakers meet 2025 CAFE Standards
Whenever there’s an opportunity to reduce the weight of a car or light-duty truck, it’s that reduced weight which moves us closer… “to [meeting] the 2025 CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standard …

How the CAFE Standards Influence Engineering & Design
We were all taught about idealized cantilever beams in college. Little did we know then, that even the simplest of parts have their own histories, and are affected by things as se ...

Hydroforming Advantages for Automotive
Hydroforming metal is one of the most cost effective ways of creating asymmetrical parts for the automotive industry. Many parts used on cars today have irregular shapes making traditional methods of ...

Hydroformed Components
What do a satellite antenna, an aluminum frame bicycle and the engine cradle of your neighbor's motorcycle have in common? Chances are they were all made with hydroformed components. From the medical ...