American Hydroformers: How FEA Can Lower Your Costs
To some people, adding an extra step to your production process may sound counter-intuitive; however, if that step is to consider Finite Element Analysis (FEA), then it might not sound so crazy after …

How FEA Could Accelerate Your Production Process
Most people seem to think that faster is better.
Americans enjoy fast food, instant messaging, and even (believe it or not) new quick-cooking slow cookers. While not everything is better faster, we …

Making Finite Element Analysis Work for You
Adding an extra step to a process is rarely considered efficient. After all, streamlining steps usually means that tasks are accomplished more quickly. However, if the added step is designed to save t …

Two Musical Instruments with Hydroformed Components
While most of us tend to associate hydroforming with the automotive and cycling worlds, other industries make good use of hydroformed components as well. The music industry is one of them. Apart from …

Growing Use of Finite Element Analysis Predicted
A considerable increase in the demand for the use of finite element analysis in product design is predicted for the coming years. It’s no wonder, considering that the benefits of using finite element …

Finite Element Analysis: One Concept Fledgling Firms Shouldn’t Overlook
If you are relatively new to the manufacturing or construction field, the term finite element analysis may seem both unfamiliar and intimidating. However, we assure you that it’s one concept well wort …

3 of the Latest Hydroformed Components Hitting the Market
As we so often do, we like to focus on hydroformed components that are making waves in the modern world. From mountain bikes to car parts to aerospace design, hydroformed components and prod ...

What is tubular hydroforming?
What is tubular hydroforming? Tubular Hydroforming is a cost effective way of shaping pliable metals such as aluminum, brass, and low alloy stainless steel. The process has been used since the 1950's. ...

Beneficial Complexity: Finite Element Analysis
The use of FEA or Finite Element Analysis further advances the hydroforming industry by eliminating the impediments of inefficiency and expense. Finite Element Analysis is a method using numerical t ...