Are You Using The Right Hydroforming Tools?
Are you looking for a cost-effective method that will allow you to shape flexible metals that include the following?

American Hydroformers: Weighing in on Current CAFE Standards
Over the course of the last year, potential changes to federal regulations for automotive production in the United States have sent ripples through the auto industry. After months of speculation and m …

The Pros and Cons of the 2014 Cafe Standard Updates
Since 1975, CAFE standards have been in effect for the automotive industry. Since that time, these standards have been updated several times, culminating in changes announced in 2014, which are now in …

Current CAFE Standards Help Save Money All Around
CAFE Standards Help Save Money All Around. Much has been written in recent days about the state of the U.S. economy. While we are certainly not a poor nation, if we compare ourselves now to ourselves …

How the CAFE Standards Influence Engineering & Design
We were all taught about idealized cantilever beams in college. Little did we know then, that even the simplest of parts have their own histories, and are affected by things as se ...

CAFE Standards to Increase Fuel Savings
CAFE standard is not a recipe for an espresso macchiato - even if that is your favorite drink. It is, however, the industry standard for keeping your espresso macchiato affordable by producing lighter ...

CAFE standards 2014: How Hydroforming Can Help
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards were first enacted in by Congress in 1975, following the Arab Oil Embargo, as a way to improve the average fuel economy of the cars and light trucks -- ...