Improving the World with Hydroforming

Hydroforming is a cost-effective way of shaping ductile metals into stiff, strong and lightweight pieces. Practically all metals that can be cold formed are suitable for hydroforming, and without being limited by geometric complexity, the applications are becoming endless. Here are a few industries which utilize hydroforming:
Aerospace: The precision and reliability of hydroformed parts is crucial to ensure success and safety in areas such as turbine construction, array antennas and construction of exterior structures.
Alternative Energies: Much like in aerospace, the components of alternative energy machines demand a lot in form and function. Be it solar, wind or waves, the flexibility of hydroforming production allows a wide array of metals to be utilized towards producing advanced components for the energy of the future.
Medical: Due to not being limited by traditional manufacturing methods, hydroforming finds a good niche in producing intricate parts for medical appliances such as pace-makers and advanced prosthetics. Being as it is so cost-effective, hydroforming has the ability to make much needed medical procedures more affordable to people who truly need them.
Home Appliances: Hydroforming makes very asthetically pleasing products; because of the unique manufacturing process, pieces come out smooth and free from dents and blemishes. In the appliance industry, hydroformed parts are moving into the eye’s view as they gain acceptance and use as handles and more due to these unique qualities.
Automotive: Faster, lighter, stronger seems to always be on the minds of motor enthusiasts, and hydroformed parts fit into this category perfectly. One of the most recognized uses for hydroforming, components made for vehicles gain durability from eliminating weak points made by traditional shaping and welding techniques. From retrofitting late-model cars to creating tech-forward alternative fuel vehicles, you can find an application for hydroforming.
Plumbing: Because the unique array of shapes able to be produced by hydroforming, not only is it excellent for creating strong and dependable fittings for under the sink, but hydroformed faucets and fixtures are gaining emerging acceptance as well. Limitless arrangements are possible, giving designers unprecidented freedom to create new and beautiful products.
At American Hydroformers, we offer complete assembly level fabrication of automotive structures, as well as industrial laser cutting and stencil work in addition to our quality hydroformed and tube hydroformed products. Contact us to see how we can improve your products today!
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