Hydroformed Components
What do a satellite antenna, an aluminum frame bicycle and the engine cradle of your neighbor's motorcycle have in common? Chances are they were all made with hydroformed components. From the medical ...

Tube Hydroforming vs. Metal Stamping
Today, nearly all businesses that desire to form parts have concerns regarding the strength, weight, and cost of a component. Metal stamping has been a traditional metal forming procedure. It does not ...

Tube Hydroforming: Perfect for 2 Wheels or 4
May 1, 2013 will always be a day that the Ford Motor Company and the design team for the Ford Fusion can look back on with pride. That was the day the Steel Market Development Institue (SMDI) of the A ...

Hydroformed Exhaust Components
When it comes to heavy truck and construction vehicle design, space is often at a premium and rugged components are an absolute requirement. Hydroformed exhaust components from American Hydroformers, ...

Hydroformed Appliance Handles
There’s a new trend associated with upscale appliances: hydroformed appliance handles. Todd Ellinger, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for American Hydrofomers, Inc. (AHI), explains, “Hydroformed ...

Mercedes-AMG selects hydroformed parts
As more and more automotive engineers begin to learn and source more hydroformed parts and components, the hydroforming industry sits on the verge of rapid growth. Mercedes-AMG selects hydroformed pa ...