A Tube Hydroforming Background is Necessary in Manufacturing Today
It’s very important for modern manufacturers to understand tube hydroforming, especially if they work in certain industries. This is absolutely a technique that will be able to save a …

Leveraging FEA for Pre-Production Needs
In some situations, speed is of the essence. Think of self-styled “fast food” or “quick service” dining establishments. If such restaurants are unable to provide quality food quickly enough, their cli …

American Hydroformers: Hydroforming in the Automotive Industry
Hydroforming is a fabrication method that is regularly used in the transportation and automotive industries. Hydroforming is used so often because it allows even the most complex shapes to be created …

Casting Vs. Metal Stamping: Should Metal Stamping Be Your Choice?
Casting vs. metal stamping: should metal stamping be your choice? Working with metal is not a new method of manufacturing. Since the middle of the 1800s, a large number of metal forming operations sta …

Tubular Hydroforming for Motorcycle Frame Manufacturing
Motorcycle frame manufacturing is an ideal match for hydroforming technology. Motorcycle performance is a function of power and weight. Anything that can help reduce weight on a motorcycle without com …

Are You Using The Right Hydroforming Tools?
Are you looking for a cost-effective method that will allow you to shape flexible metals that include the following?

Tube Hydroforming Simplifies Production and Lowers Costs
It’s no secret that tube hydroforming simplifies production and lowers production costs for a wide variety of products. At least, it’s no secret to those who work in the industry. For those in need of …

American Hydroformers: What Is Tube Hydroforming?
For many years, American Hydroformers has worked extremely hard to become a mainstay at the front of manufacturing. American Hydroformers makes it a purpose to invest a significant amount in materials …

American Hydroformers: Whom Do CAFE Standards Affect?
Most private citizens are unaware that current CAFE standards exist, let alone what they mean and how they impact our society. That doesn’t mean that the average person remains unaffected by them, tho …

Want to Build Your Own Droid? Advances in Aluminum Hydroforming Make It Possible
Want to build your own droid? Advances in aluminum hydroforming make it possible.
No one would deny the sheer popularity of the Star Wars franchise. Talking about the cultural impact of the Star Wars …