Could Hydroformed Components Be What You Need?
So you’re developing a new product and you may be wondering: could hydroformed components be what you need?
Let’s use a series of questions and answers to find out.

What Can Metal Stamping Do For You?
Many people may not realize this, but metal stamping has always been a key part of the manufacturing process in many industries. In order for people to have a better understanding of metal stamping, i …

What Is Hydroforming Used To Create?
When some people hear the word “hydroforming”, they immediately have questions about the definition of hydroforming. They want to know the definition of hydroforming, they want to know what the hydrof …

Create The Strong Products You Need With Hydroforming
Hydroforming has been widely used in the United States for decades. Hydroforming has been used to produce a long list of parts and components in the automotive industry, along with other industries. T …

Hydroforming: A Cost-Effective Method To Shape Solids
In today’s business world, characterized by various cost-cutting measures and rising competition, it can be extremely difficult to explain purchasing new manufacturing equipment. It can especially be …

Hydroforming and Its Automotive Application
No matter how Fast and Furious one may wish they could be while driving, the notion of a safe car and high probability of accident survival is in the back of many individuals’ minds. Even when buying …

American Hydroformers Has The Solutions You Need
American Hydroformers has the solutions you need. Hydroforming has been widely applied in a variety of industries, including the aerospace and automotive industries. The high complex nature of aerospa …

Finite Element Analysis Leading to Stronger Bike Helmets
Most cyclists who suffer head injuries due to a fall aren’t wearing helmets at the time of the incident. Though 29% of adults and 42% of youth cyclists always wear helmets when they ride, those who ch …

Overwhelming Success of New Bike Directly Linked to Hydroformed Components
Mountain bikers have been making lots of noise lately about the 2021 Chisel Comp, produced by the U.S.-based company Specialized. Lightweight and stiff, the new Chisel Comp perfectly balanced, designe …

How Hydroformed Components Make the Best Bikes
If you take time to check out the best and newest bikes on the market, from dirt bikes to street bikes to racing bikes, you’ll find most of them have one thing in common.
They all have hydroformed …